So, once I started looking around the blogosphere, I started seeing people talking about awards. It's a way that bloggers recognize other bloggers and share some of their favourites. I suppose is also partially a promotion thing.
I'd like to thank Genie, at Diet of 51 for recognizing my blog with the "Creative Writer" blogger award.
Now, comes the fun part. As part of the award, I have to reveal 7 facts about myself. Up to 6 of them will be outrageous lie and at least 1 will be an outrageous truth. Can you guess what fact(s) is true?
1. I've been skydiving 5 times, and going for a sixth (and more) time will be one of my rewards to myself when I get to a healthier weight.
2. When I go back to work when my kids are in school, I'd really like to become a ski instructor in the winter months.
3. I once dressed up as Xena, Warrior Princess, for Halloween. Complete with skimpy vinyl (cheaper then leather) outfit, knee high boots and a wig.
4. When I was 18, I took a year off after high school to travel. I fell for an Australian man and wanted to move there permanently. Then it turned out he was married.
5. I'd love to learn how to mountain climb.
6. In grade 1, I moved to a new elementary school and unseated the current book reading champion, reading more books January to June then he had the whole school year.
7. I spent a summer working on a cruise ship. I thought it would be great, but the hours are horrendous, and I didn't get to enjoy myself at all.
For the next part of this award, I must nominate five creative writers who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies, too. (I'm supposed to do seven, but I'm a bit rushed, and I'm going to take the time to talk about them a bit.)
1. Karen at Fitness: a journey, not a destination
Karen's blog is one of my daily reads. She writes well thought out, well researched articles that apply to almost everybody. Sometimes I learn things from her blog. Other times, it makes me think about things I already knew.
2. Tricia at Endurance isn't only physical
Tricia has lost 123 pounds and looks amazing. She perseveres despite any challenges, such as a broken ankle. She also has some great giveaways on her blog. Right now, she's got one for a running tshirt.
3. Leslie at Definitely Not Martha
Leslie's blog isn't a weight loss blog. It's a food blog, and I wouldn't say her recipes are always diet friendly. However, they are real food, which I love. She doesn't use all kinds of artificial ingredients. She's also just written a post about HVP, the lovely chemical that is responsible for recent recalls on foods like crispy minis and some soup mixes. I had thought about writing about it myself, but she did such a good job, I'll just refer you to her.
4. Amy at Amy's Quest to Skinny
Amy is another blogger that has lost alot of weight - over 100 pounds, and become a runner. Check out her before and afters; she looks fabulous. She regularly has pictures and recipes on her blog that make my mouth water for completely healthy foods.
5. Marlene at Mission to a(nother) marathon
Marlene has lost over 50 pounds and is now a multi-marathoner. Her blog is mainly a running blog. Her commitment to running is a great example of how she's incorporated fitness permanently into her life. (In my opinion, one of the keys to keeping the weight off.
So, congratulations on your awards ladies, the rules are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to 6 outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Nominate 7 "creative writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
There are many fabulous blogs out there, and I promise to take the time in the future to mention others that I love and frequent!
Thanks so much Deb! My posts are written for the week so it may be next week before it's up, but I'll get to it. Thanks again for thinking of me.
ReplyDeleteI think that #4 is not true, and that #6 and #7 are true, but the rest, I can't tell.....
ReplyDeleteGood job.
I think # 6 is true. # 4 is not and neither is # 7 I don't think... i think # 3 and # 5 might be true... are you going to tell us???
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the kind words!
congrats and thanks for sharing!