Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Do you wear your medals?

When you start doing this sport, it doesn't take long to amass a drawer full of medals.    I have yet to get one for a 5K, but have got some for 10Ks and Sprint triathlons, as well as half marathons and my half ironman (oddly, I have none for Oly triathlons).  And you know what, every time I get a medal, I relish it, regardless of the race distance.  I'll wear it for the rest of the day, or until I'm willing to let the kids have a turn.  Then they usually end up in a drawer...

A couple of days ago, the kids were playing "races".  (On a side note, if I ever need an affirmation that the time I take for myself also benefits my kids, it's moments like that.)  They had all my medals and a couple of theirs, and were running around and winning them.

All my medals, except for one.  Because I refused to share my Half Ironman medal.

That one, I put around my neck and wore for the rest of the day.  A reminder of what I am capable of when I put my mind to it.  What I am able to do.

So, if you've got some medals hanging out in a drawer, go and grab one (or more) and put it on for a while.  It can be from a 5K or an Ironman, but for today, pick the one that you want to remember and wear that medal.  You earned it.


  1. I say you can wear it one day for however many hours it took to finish it, example HIM in 6:09, then you can wear it 6 days.

  2. I love this post! I rarely wear my actual medals past the time it takes me to get home and shower after the race...but I often carry them around in my purse for a week or so after so i can look at them whenever I want!

    The only exception to this is the Tiffany finisher Necklace from Nike Women's! I wear that every chance I get!

  3. I do not wear my medals. But they hang within a foot or so of my computer. Right now I see the IMC and GWN medals. Sometimes the cats rearrange them for me.

  4. Very cool your kids are running around winning your medals! You are definitely a good role model.

  5. I love everything about this post! It's great that your kids are racing and I love the idea of putting one on once in awhile...maybe I could find some mojo if I put on my 70.3 medal.

  6. Have yet to earn a medal. :( But I'm looking forward to wearing them and will remember this post when I have one.

  7. I usually wear them long enough to take a picture at the race. Then it ends up in a drawer where I never see them again. However, secretly, I would love to wear them. I just don't want the real athletes to laugh at me.

  8. Thats awesome!!! I finally put up my medal display so they are no longer hiding in drawers!

  9. Love this!! I still want to display mine somehow because they are just in a shoe box....that's no fun at all.
