I checked out the race map and elevation profile yesterday evening. It looks like the first 4.5 km is a gradual downhill followed by about a km of up and down; then the last 4.5 km is a gradual uphill.
I'm glad I checked it, because now I know what to expect. It means that my thought of negative splitting seems less likely, and I'll likely let my pace be quicker then I otherwise intended for the first half. It's mostly a gradual slope though, so I'm not too worried about it, and I'll take it as it comes.
I had a pre-race dream last night. In it somebody stole my bike pedals and cleats (not the entire bike shoe, just the cleats). When I got to transition, I wasn't able to carry on, and after wandering around looking for them, I had to DNF (did not finish).
Now, since this is a running race rather then a triathlon, I'm all good. But, I just want to let any nefarious people know: stay away from my bike!
My number for this race is 230. I've tried to find some meaning in that, but I'm having trouble. If this was 2 weeks ago, I could have said that it represents that I'm mother to a two year old and a three year old, but the three year old is now four. Regardless, it's a nice low number.
I tried to get a good picture with my race shirt and number, but I looked like a dork in all of them. I considered just not posting it, but I've kind of made it a tradition, so here it is:

Good luck and HAVE FUN today!!